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Help us keep Craigslist’s legacy alive.
BoldPersonals is a personals website dedicated to private ads.
Use us any way you want. We’re here to make your online dating experience a bit more fun, easier, and safer, just like in the good old days of Craigslist Personal and Backpage.
Whether you’re looking for a pen pal to start a platonic relationship in or are more into dom and fetish, BoldPersonals has got you covered. Our categories cover everything from traditional adult dating to kinky stuff, you name it. You’re welcome to ask whatever you need.
Spanning across the sexual orientation spectrum, BoldPersonals offers hot categories for everyone’s taste. You’ll find classic ad brackets such as “Men Seeking Women”, “Men Seeking Men”, “Women Seeking Women”, and “Women Seeking Men”, designed for a straightforward approach.
BoldPersonals taps into online dating nostalgia to recreate your favorite personal ad categories from the past. And they’re more than fun. Aimed to satisfy everyone’s quirks and fetishes, they are also all-inclusive. Whoever you are and whatever you like, you’re welcome to BoldPersonals.
BoldPersonals is all about spreading the love.
That’s why we have a no-no policy when it comes to discrimination, insults, hatred, harassment, and intimidation. If this is what turns you on, please look for it someplace else.
In trying to create a safe and private environment for all the sexual misfits out there, BoldPersonals have compiled a list of frowned-upon ads and content. You can find it here.
We don’t have to be rude to enjoy ourselves.
As long as we respect each other, everything’s allowed.
You’re okay with our Terms & Condition then?
It’s time to post your first BoldPersonals personal ad!
After registering your BoldPersonals account (which is a fairly simple process that requires your name, email address, and login password), simply navigate to “Post an Ad” card, fill in the essential fields – Ad Title, Tags, and Decription – and select one of the categories.
You’re allowed up to five photographs, so don’t think too much.
If you’re not comfortable with disclosing your age and gender, you won’t be rejected for it. Not by us. The only thing we need to showcase your posting is an ad type (M4W, M4M, W4W, FFM, FMM, or TS) and the city (including a ZIP/postal code) you’re coming from.
Depending on how loud and long you want your ad to resonate within the BoldPersonals community, you can choose three payment options – bronze, silver, or gold.
Don’t want to pay for posting an ad?
You don’t have to!
BoldPersonals allows you to post all your ads for free and keep them live for up to three months. You can always reactivate an old ad once it expires, at no extra cost.
If you’re desperate for Leads, you can pay $6 and launch your ad directly to the Category Page slider or Homepage. Prominently placed, the ad will get more views and traffic.
Also, we’ll send Leads directly to your Dashboard.
For a one-time ad payment, your ad gets six months of screen time.
Alternatively, you subscribe to BoldPersonals.
For $6 for the first six months, then $3 for every six months, in four installments total, you’ll get unlimited ad time on the Homepage or Category Slider, including Dashboard Leads.
We cannot wait to see you post for the first time!
For any questions, see our FAQ page or contact our customer service.
Create your first ad right now, get what you want tomorrow!